
The Higgs boson: A Machine Learning Challenge

All MLers are welcome to participate !

The Higgs boson Machine Learning challenge (Higgs ML) has opened on May 20, 2014.

Goal: filtering ATLAS-CERN simulated data to support analysis of more significant events. No background in particle physics required.

Deadline: Sept. 15th, 2014.

Awards: monetary prizes and invitation to CERN to discuss the most interesting methods with high-energy physicists.

Organizers: physicists and MLers from Atlas, Cern; Université Paris-Sud - CNRS - INRIA (LAL, LRI); Royal University College; and Chalearn.
This is the first time ever that Atlas-CERN releases some of its data.

To learn more about the both the ML formalization and the physics context, the documentation.

They write, blog and tweet about the challenge

  • General audience
In Wired and USANews
  • CERN
In CERN news, see also the tweet and
  • ML community
Yan LeCun on Facebook and
  • Physics blogs
From two most influential bloggers in the High Energy Physics community: ATLAS Challenges You: Can You Discover The Higgs ? and ATLAS: find Higgs, win $7k. The competition is fierce within HEP too.
See also
  • French institutions
INS2I, DigiCosme, CapDigital
  • In many languages
Dutch, Italian

Collaborateur(s) de cette page: cecile et sebag .
Page dernièrement modifiée le Mercredi 28 mai 2014 09:17:54 CEST par cecile.