
Bat. 660 Claude Shannon, Université Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex France
Tel: 33 (0)1 69 15 34 71 (But no team assistant at the moment, try team members)

That's here


  • GPS: 660, Rue Noetzlin, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette (though if your GPS is a bit outdated, you're better off without it).
  • By car: highways A6A, A6B, or A10; or N118
  • Visual cue: You first see 3 blue buildings (Ada Lovelace, 650); and further on one grey square building (Claude Shannon, 660), which is ours. Then, a huge building (ENS).
  • Google map - car park behind the building, hence the different address than the snail mail one. THis is true as of February 2018, and subject to sudden change due to road constructions.
  • By public transports:
Bus stop "Moulon" just in front of the lab (plan your trip here)
Possible routes:
RER line B4 Station then bus going towards return trip
Le Guichet bus 9 Campus HEC / Val d'Albian, Saclay Gare du Guichet, Orsay
Massy-Palaiseau bus 91-06 Christ Saclay Gare de Massy-Palaiseau, Massy
bus 91-10 Christ Saclay Aéroport Orly Ouest, Orly

+ More about public transports in Ile de France